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White Structure

認識我們 About Us

癌症策略關注組(下稱 “關注組”)成立於2017年,致力爭取持續改善香港的癌症政策以減輕癌症對社會經濟影響,並以服務公眾為前提。關注組堅定相信一個與時並進、高效率及有效的癌症管理政策與規管創新醫學科技對癌症本身的後續影響,對癌症病人、照顧者與社區也是同等重要。

The Cancer Strategy Concern Group (CSCG) was formed in 2017. With a vision to mitigate the socioeconomic impact that cancer diseases has on the society, CSCG strives to continually improve national policies to serve the public at large . CSCG firmly believes that an up-to-date, efficient and effective cancer management policy is as crucial as medical innovations in regulating the follow-on effects of cancer diseases - on the patients, care-givers, and the community at large.  

社團/分支機構的宗旨 Vision and Mission

1.) 倡導一個合乎國際,現代標準,與基於世界衛生組織以人為中心醫護模式的癌控項目。
Advocate an international and modern standard cancer program based on WHO people-centered healthcare model.

2.) 代表癌症病人與其照顧者向政策制定者及立法會議員表達我們的共同意願。
Represent cancer patient and caregivers to reflect our collective views to the policy makers and legislators.

3.) 參與及聯繫世界各地類同志向的組織,以促進國際間協作及分享彼此的經驗。
Participant and network with like-minded organizations around the world to share experience and foster international collaboration.

High Fives

Room 609, 4/F, Lee Garden 3, 1 Sunning Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong, China.


3611 9329

©2023 by Cancer Strategy Concern Group 癌症策略關注組.

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